137The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life an -
181大器晚成的澳洲创作型女歌手希雅 (Sia) 曾于2015年在威尼斯电影节上公开了名为“Music”的音乐电影拍摄计划,据悉,希雅个人音乐录影带中的御用舞蹈演员麦迪·齐格勒 (Maddie Ziegler) 将作为主角出演。影片讲述了一个患有自闭症的少女Music(麦迪 ·齐格勒 饰)发觉自己正在被以 -
70Fundadoras da ONG de preserva??o ambiental Aruana, Natalie (Débora Falabella), Luísa (Leandra Leal) e Ver?nica (Taís Araújo) viajam para Cari, no inte -
98The DEA is alarmed by the expansive growth of El Chapo's drug empire. Don Sol forges a new alliance to further his career.